Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas #2

My parents, brother and grandma arrived on Saturday for our final Christmas celebration of 2009.

Everyone loved the gifts we got them (video game for my bro, CJ jeans for my mom, GPS for my dad, and gift card / throw with arms for my grandma) and we loved everything we received from everyone else, including my Kindle 2 (can't wait for Maui and Hawaii - I've already started downloading books) and my UW Snuggie (for both Roxy and I). Corey got the puffy Eddie Bauer jacket he's been eyeing (and talking about) for months, among tons of other goodies.

After gifts, we spent a nice, relaxing day together, followed by a yummy dinner (homemade veggie enchiladas) and then a few of us watched Up (super cute movie!).

We are so lucky we were able to see and celebrate with both families! Thanks everyone for all of our fabulous gifts!

Grandma getting ready to open her gifts! (Notice Roxy diving into her crate after one of her gifts in the background.)

Roxy LOVES giving my dad ear kisses. Not sure why, but she always has.

Corey in his new coat. If you look closely, you might see his face...

Rox and I + the UW Snuggie. Love it!

Dad, Scott and Roxy, who just wanted some snuggle time on the Snuggie.

Sometimes, the holidays just really wear you out.

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