Saturday, December 5, 2009

Meet Moorea

The Reeders became puppy parents this week and last night, we had our chance to meet Moorea. Moorea is named after their honeymoon location and was born on their anniversary - how appropriate! She's a Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever / Poodle) and is absolutely adorable. She's eight weeks old and is only about 13 lbs. right now but is about Roxy's size.

Roxy is looking forward to an upcoming playdate in the Reeders' backyard.

Congrats Lisa & Jason!

A few photos from last night are below. The rest can be found here.

Playing with the toys we got her as a welcome home gift.

Hanging with her momma (who's in the 'throw with arms' that we picked up for Miss Moorea so she'd be allowed on the couch).

My cute hubby with Moorea.

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