Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Parties Begin!

I love the holidays - in addition to the all the obvious reasons, it means fun parties with our friends and co-workers.

Last night we kicked off the party season with the HMG holiday part at Brian and Eileen's house. Eileen cooked up an amazing spread so in addition to stuffing ourselves with great food, we were able to spend some fun quality time with all of co-workers and their significant others, and everyone had the chance to show their competitive side with a Balderdash-like game. This is really the one time all year that we're all together and it's so fun to catch up with everyone.

Next up: my T-Mobile team party tonight. Check back for details tomorrow.

In the meantime, here are some photos from our HMG evening.

Corey making friends with Frosty.

The festive dinning table. Love it!

HMG'ers: Niels, Matt, Pat, Brian, Natalie, Corey, Laura, Erin.

HMG gals - the ones who keep the office afloat.

Brian opening the host gift the HMG team presented to him and Eileen. Between the high chair back and glasses, he looks ready for someone to sit on his lap and go through their gift wish list.

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