Friday, October 2, 2009

Birthday Celebration Begins!

Though my birthday isn't until Monday, my family, friends and co-workers have helped me kick off the celebration and completely spoiled me!

It began last night with dinner at Picolino's with Corey's parents. The food was good and the company was great!

Today, it started with a scheduled meeting, or so I thought. Instead, my sneaky co-workers had a surprise shindig for me, including cupcakes.

This evening, the Bishops, Gossetts and Lisa (Jason was out of town for work) joined Corey and I at Purple Cafe in Kirkland. After a yummy dinner, we headed over to the Gossetts, where I opened birthdays cards and presents, including a portable cupcake holder from Natalie and Chris, which was holding our dessert! Thanks all for joining us for dinner and for making it such a fun evening. Some photos are included below but the full set can be found on my Flickr site.

I had a great day and am so lucky to have such great family, friends and co-workers in my life!

A girl who loves her wine...

The Bishops...

The Gossetts...

My hubby and I...

The gals - Natalie, myself, Ashlie, and Lisa.

Birthday cupcakes! (And my new portable cupcake tray!)
Roxy enjoyed digging through Maggie's toys.

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