Saturday, September 5, 2009

Birthday Celebration Continues

Though we celebrated Corey and Natalie's birthdays last weekend at the Reeders', Natalie came up with a plan that would allow us to continue the celebration of Corey's birthday and allow us to see some work they recently finished at their house (which turned out amazing!). So last night, we headed over to their house for a surprise birthday dinner for Corey.

Joining us for the festivities were the Reeders and Bishops. We all bonded over some yummy Ezell's, chowed on some delicious chocolate cake and watched Duplicity.

Thanks to the Gossetts for hosting another fun evening with good friends. What a great way to kick off our long weekend!

Host Natalie bringing in the yummy birthday cake...

Blowing out 33 candles = lots of smoke.



Me with the birthday boy.

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