Friday, August 7, 2009

A Beer at Two Beers

After work, I met up with Kels at Two Beers Brewery, where Mark does sales and distribution. (And mans the bar, as he was today!) Two Beers is owned by the husband of one of girls Kels goes to school with and Mark recently started working there. In fact, he was the first full-time employee! It's just starting up but they are doing really well and Mark is having a blast.

It was fun to catch up with both of them and try out their beers. I had the Crooked Belgian Wit and it was delish.

The brewery is open Thursdays and Fridays from 3-7 if you're interested in stopping by. Or you can check out their site to find out where they're on tap. Enjoy!

Kels and I at the bar.

This is Mark's ride during work hours. Love it (and as you can tell, so does Kels)!

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