Saturday, July 25, 2009

180 Challenge (Corey)

The last time we were in Yakima visiting Jenny's parents, I wondered if I could get down to 180 pounds by our anniversary. That was June 13. When we got home I did an official weigh-in: 193.6. Clearly, I had my work cut out for me, especially since a) I like to eat; and, b) I don't like to exercise.

My compromise was that I would follow Jenny's running schedule (NOT routine. No way I was running that far), running Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. More importantly, I tried a little self-restraint on portion-control and tried to limit myself to only a portion or one and a half at each meal.

Well, almost a month and a half later on the eve of my anniversary, here we are. I weigh less after going for a run, so I did my longest run I've ever done (7 miles--about half of what Jenny's been doing on the weekends) and even ran into (not literally) Jennifer Margolin 6 miles into my run, who probably thought paramedics would be paying me a visit soon.

By now you're probably thinking, well, he wouldn't have made a post if he'd failed, right? Wrong. Sort of. Below is my final weigh-in, and I'll take it. Next goal: 200 pounds by my birthday.

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