Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday Swim

For Roxy's birthday, my parents got her a life jacket so that she could swim in their pool when we visit them in Yakima. French Bulldogs don't like heat much and with their large heads, they supposedly can't swim. A life jacket seemed like the perfect way to allow her to hop in the pool to keep cool when we head over the mountains to visit my parents. (Side note for those who may not know - ever since I saw a wiener dog in a life jacket with a handle several years ago (like in the first photo below), I have wanted to have a dog who could wear a life jacket. Weird, I know. But tell me it's not one of the cutest things you've ever seen.)

We learned a few things during her first swim yesterday: 1) she is SUPER quick and 2) I don't think she likes the water much. We were hoping that she'd like the pool, which would in turn help her enjoy her baths more, but she kept swimming back to the ladder to get out. Guess we'll have to keep working on that.

Getting ready to head out for a swim.

Her legs were going through swimming motions before I even put her in the water.

Cruising back to me after swimming to my dad.

Not loving the pool so much. Here she is during a break.

Love the handle. It makes it easy to lift her into and out of the water.

Relaxing after her laps.

Time for a much deserved nap while she dried off.

Check out how fast she is! And note how she keeps swimming even when we lift her out of the water. Too funny.

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