Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Evening with the Shawvers

Tonight, Kevin and Jen came over with their pup Obi for dinner. Obi is a beagle that they rescued recently - he's about 2 years old and is blind. He does really well getting around though - he takes his time walking around and figuring out where furniture is so that he doesn't run into it later.

He and Roxy did pretty well for the most part; however, Roxy kept trying to get him to play but he was more interested in exploring the house. We put some bells on Roxy (from her reindeer holiday costume) so Obi would know when she was near him. It was very cute to see the two pups together.

Corey made all a delightful dinner - 7 Flavor Beef (like the Wild Ginger entree), green beans, rice and vegetable shu mai. This was followed up with chocolate lava cakes and vanilla ice cream.

We had fun catching up with Kevin and Jen - it had been awhile since we'd seem them. Looking forward to getting together again soon and hopefully Roxy will be a little less playful!

Obi kept Corey company while he cooked (or maybe he was just waiting for some scraps to fall onto the floor).

Jen, Kevin and Corey about to dig in.

Obi and Roxy hanging out during dinner.

Can you tell that Obi loves to be carried around and cuddled?

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