Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

In celebration of the fabulous women in our lives, my family and Corey's mom came over for a home-cooked (mostly by Corey) breakfast and presents for Mother's Day. Breakfast consisted of mimosas, huevos rancheros, jalapeno cheddar corn bread, and strawberries.

It was fun to be able to put together breakfast and serve it to our mom's / grandma so they could relax and enjoy chatting with everyone else. It was our way of saying thanks for all the wonderful things they done for each of us over the years (though it'll doesn't nearly make up for everything they've done / given up!). We enjoyed being able to spend the day celebrating and honoring them.

Thanks ladies for being such wonderful moms / grandmas. We are so lucky to have you in our lives. We love you all!

I love being a puppy momma. I don't (usually) mind waking up before 7 a.m. on a Sunday to see this cute face. It's just a good thing she's cute.

The lovely women in our lives. (Flowers courtesy of Joan - thanks again!)

Roxy greeted Joan (and thanked her for being such a great puppy grandma) with lots of kisses.

My mom and my brother.

My mom and I.

The men, doing what they do on a Sunday (talk sports, read about sports and watch sports).

After everyone left, Corey and I took Roxy to the dog park near Golden Gardens. We'd heard about it but hadn't yet been - boy have we been missing out! It's not too big that we had a hard time keeping track of Roxy but it's big enough that she (and about 20 other big dogs) had room to run, play, fetch and do whatever it is dogs do for fun. Apparently she had fun - she's been camped out on my lap the rest of the afternoon, recovering from her big adventure.

Apparently we need to get one of these. Roxy loved attempting to outrun the other dogs when this guy threw the ball across the park. (For the record, she was never the first to reach the ball. This didn't keep her from trying, though.)

Roxy loved running and playing with the other dogs, even when they were 10x her size.

Whew! It hard running around with the big dogs!

Couldn't even make it to the couch (where she always relaxes) after the dog park. Or maybe she was hot and the cool wood floor felt good on her tummy?

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