Saturday, May 30, 2009

Marathon Countdown Begins

As you may know, my dad and I usually run Yakima's Sun City Half Marathon each year. This year, we'll be at Spence and Renata's wedding in Connecticut so we started talking about other races we could run.

While I was planning to just do another half, periodically over the past year or so, my dad has dropped hints that it would be fun to do a marathon together. To me, this sounds more awful than fun (for those of you that know my dad, you know why he thinks running 26.2 miles is fun) but after thinking about it some more, I realized it would be pretty cool to accomplish this together. An item to cross off my life list, if you will.

As we started looking at upcoming marathons, his only request was to not run the Portland one since that is the one he's run before and he wanted a chance of scenery. We decided on the Bellingham Bay Marathon which is on September 27. Assuming we keep up with our training and that my dad's knees don't give him any more pain (which he's had sometimes during his runs), you know where to find us on September 27.

Today I completed my first of 18 weeks of training. I am using Hal Higdon's Novice Marathon Training Guide - I love the way he lays out his training program. This week was nice and easy and I loved being able to take advantage of running when it's been so nice out. However, I know I'll probably hate Hal and his training guide during weeks 7 through 16, though.

I won't bore you with constant updates on our training but I'll update you periodically.

My dad and I crossing the finish line at last year's Sun City Half. Looking forward to having a similar photo of us as we finish the Bellingham race, though he might be carrying me across the finish line in that one.


  1. I'm on the Monday/Friday routine of the Hal Higdon Half Marathon Training Guide.

    Good luck!

  2. Good Luck! I am sure you'll do great and it will feel like such an accomplishment.

    As for me, I think I'll stick with 5ks...
