Sunday, March 29, 2009

Girlie Weekend

With Corey in San Diego (lucky dog!) for his friend's Brian's bachelor party weekend and many of my friends tied up or out of town, it has been a quiet, relaxing weekend for Miss Roxy and I.

Started our weekend home alone by cleaning (I've loved having a clean, clutter-free house for the last few days!) and watching Twilight (the books are better - movie was cheesy but entertaining). Yesterday, it was cold and rainy all day so we didn't spend too much time outside, to Roxy's dismay. I however, helped stimulate the economy with a trip up to the Seattle Premium Outlets. Only found a few things but still made the trip up there worth it.

Today, I went for my first run in about month due to recent weekends either out of town or recovering from my nasty cold. It was the perfect day for a run - cold but nice and sunny out. I went for a full 6.5 mile run - let's just say after not running for awhile and not running further than 4-5 miles in recent months, I was pooped when I got home. But me being tired didn't impact Rox's plans - I knew she'd be dying to get outside since yesterday's rainy weather kept us inside so we headed over to the park.

Unfortunately there were softball teams practicing in the huge field we normally play in but we found a separate grassy spot to get some Frisbee time in. Though Roxy was pretty distracted by the softballs flying around, I think she still had fun being outside for a bit.

Not quite into the Frisbee yet with the softball teams practicing nearby.

Now it's Frisbee time...but still can't stop watching the teams practice.

The Frisbee is almost bigger than she is but that doesn't stop her (thanks Mom & Dad for giving it to her!).

She wouldn't give me back her Frisbee when we left the park, so she carried it most of the way home.

Tired pup after her play in the park.

Following our busy morning, I headed over to Massage Heights for a massage! I hadn't had one since the couples' massage Corey and I had on our honeymoon and it was perfect - a great relaxing way to wrap up the weekend.

Corey's on his way home from San Diego now so I'll be heading down to pick him up from the airport soon. I think I'll bring Roxy along as a surprise for Corey - I think he missed her more than me this weekend!

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