Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Day Before Valentine's Day

So Corey and I usually celebrate Valentine's Day with a gift for each other, cards and maybe a dinner out, but this year, we thought it would be fun to change it up a bit. We decided to each plan a date night for the each other. My night was tonight and Corey's plans go into play on Sunday (tomorrow night we'll be at the Gossett's house for a Valentine's Day party, which we're both looking forward to).

For my date, I thought it would be fun to recreate the first date I ever took Corey on, which was our second date, when I took him to Purple Cafe in Kirkland. After dinner, we walked down to the waterfront and sat on a nearby bench to watch the sunset and enjoy the warm evening (it was June at the time). This is where we had our very first kiss.

Our 2nd date re-do started with Corey getting the following poem from me:
(Don't laugh - not all of it makes sense...I was just trying so hard to get it to rhyme, because that's the kind of poet I am).

With this poem he was totally able to figure out what our date was going to be (it's a bit obvious, I must say). When we got to Purple, there was a long wait (which we expected), so we reversed our date a bit and grabbed coffee at Starbucks on the way to the waterfront. Even though it was a bit colder out this time around, we had fun chatting on 'our' bench.

The last time us Morans were on this bench, we had known each other for just over 2 weeks. Now it's been well over two years. Time sure does fly!

Corey keeping 'our' bench warm.

After coffee at our bench, we headed back to Purple just in time for our table to be ready. We had a yummy dinner and had fun remembering all the details of our first second date.

Purple Cafe, here we come!

Can't wait to see what his plans for Sunday are!

And just in case you miss seeing Roxy, here's a photo I took of her earlier this week on her dog bed. (This is the dog bed she pulled a bunch of foam out of (notice the back right), only for us to get her another type of bed, which she proceeded to un-stuff. The fun just never stops.)

I worked from home today and she spent 8.5 of the 9 hours sleeping on my legs. With all that sleeping, I have no idea how she finds time to chew our baseboards when she's here all alone each day!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a fun date as well and I thought the poem made total sense!

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at our love fiesta.
