Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Totally Loving 'Lips'

So as you may remember, I mentioned that we played the Xbox game Lips (a karaoke-type video game) at the Gossett's holiday party and I loved it. Well, my super fabulous brother-in-law, Elliott, got Corey and I Lips for Christmas! With the recent bad weather, we didn't get it in the mail until this week and tonight, Corey and I broke it out for the first time.

I think I beat Corey about 75% of the time (you are judged on tone, etc, and most of the songs were girlie songs) but we still had a blast. And lucky him, after he was done playing, I kept going by myself. I'm sure he loved me serenading him.

We look pretty legit, huh?

Warning: If you come to the Moran household in the next few months, you'll pretty much be required to sing a few songs with me.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Are you wearning an apron?

And, I will put money on being undefeated until the end of time on this game.