Saturday, December 13, 2008

Poor Pup

Yesterday, we took Roxy to the vet to be spayed and crossed our fingers that she didn't hate us when we picked her up this morning (they like to keep the pups overnight to ensure they just relax and recover).

We had a holiday party at one of my co-worker's houses last night and while it was nice to be able to stay out late and not worry about racing home to walk Roxy when we got home, both of us thought it felt very strange to come home to a silent house with no cute puppy waiting to jump all over us when we got home. After sleeping in for the first time in months, we were totally missing our girl and more than ready to pick her up by the time we woke up.

When we picked her up, she was super happy to see us, even though she has about 10 stitches in her belly and a cone on her head. She's still a little (okay a lot) groggy from the meds yesterday and has been cuddling with us for the last four hours.

She should be good as new within 10 days but until then, no walks (only time she can go outside is to go to the bathroom), no stairs, no jumping on the couch and I'm assuming no army crawling down the hall (though the vet didn't clarify this...).

Here are few pics of Rox that I took since she's been back home:

Hanging out in her doggy bed.

This was taken just after she came around the corner and accidentally whacked her cone on the wall. Oops.

Poor puppy!!

And here are a few cute pics of her from the past week.

Chillin' on the couch with Corey.

Playin' with her Bully Stick...she absolutely LOVES these.


  1. You realize what a Bully Stick is made of, right?

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hope Roxy feels better soon. We remember going through the spaying process with Mags. They look so pitiful with the cone head. Poor dog!
