Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas x2

On Friday, Corey and I headed to Yakima to celebrate our second Christmas - this time with my family! The pass was a-okay both ways (just a little traffic on the way back today) and Yakima was cold but sunny almost the entire time.

We had a great time celebrating with my parents. They loved their gifts and they totally spoiled us with gifts as well. In addition to gifts, Roxy also received a super cute hot pink fleece from my parents to wear while in Yakima since the high temps earlier in the weekend weren't above 17 degrees! She loves it!

There was a lot of snow in Yakima so my dad had the great idea of digging out a spot in the snow for the dogs to go to the bathroom. In addition to this, he also created a figure 8 path for them to run in - Roxy love it! But crazy dog that she is, she also likes to bound through the deep snow (literally).

In addition to spending time with my mom, dad and Scott, we we also able to see my Grandma (who also spoiled us!) who made us some delicious holiday treats, including yummy spiced wine. We also saw Marley & Me which was fabulous - I bawled reading the book and bawled during the movie.

Here are some photos from the weekend.
Can't really tell, but my dad has Christmas lights on his bike, which he rides to work 3x / week. Don't worry - the tires are studded to ensure a safe ride.

My mom, showing off all the money my dad gave her for Christmas - he just got a nice raise this year and surprised her by giving her the extra money from his first paycheck so she can do some serious shopping.

Roxy bounds through the snow in her new pink fleece!

The girls playing in the snow. Yes, Roxy's even letting Maggie carry her favorite toy (and yes, Maggie, my parents 13 year old dog is seen here playing with a toy - unheard of!).

Roxy loves to run in the snow.

She's got her 'crazy dog' look here. Must have been a fun day in the snow.

Good shot to show you how deep the snow was.

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