Sunday, October 12, 2008

Roxy Takes on the Country

This weekend, we took Roxy to Yakima to visit my parents. It was her first trip to Yakima and her first trip to the country (no leashes needed, lots of grass to play and roll in!). She met my Grandma for the first time, whom she loved. She was also able to meet my parents' terrier mix, Maggie, and their cat, Nikki. Maggie was indifferent around Roxy at first but then would bark at her when Roxy tried to play, but the whole time, her tail was wagging, so we knew she didn't mind her too much. The cat hated Roxy - her tail got big and she ran off to not be seen for much of the weekend.

Roxy loved being off her leash and running around the yard. My parents live on an acre of land so she and Maggie had all kinds of fun running and playing fetch. She even got Maggie to play fetch and play with toys, neither of which she normally likes. Both dogs were pooped last night and today - they pretty much slept straight through the day today.

This morning, my dad and I ran the Suncity Half Marathon, which is a race that we started running together five years ago. We had a great time together (except for the running part) and though we finished around 1:55:48, which few minutes after our best time (1:50:30ish or so), we felt good throughout most of the race. Neither of us were able to do much training for this race, so we are happy with our time.

Here are some pics from the weekend. The rest can be seen on Corey's Flickr site (scroll to the bottom of the page and then be sure to also click 'Next' to see a bunch of others) and on my Flickr site.

Roxy loved giving my dad kisses.

My dad pretending he was a puppy too.

Roxy loved playing fetch off-leash in my parents' yard.

Roxy and Maggie playing fetch.

All pooped out after a day of fetch.

It got chilly out over night so we had to bundle Roxy up.

And we're off!

Finish line - whew!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I watched a lot of TV on Sunday, but in my head, I was running with you.
