Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Roxy's Newest Trick

Last night was Roxy's first 'Basic Obience' class and it was a blast! Lulu (her Lab friend from Puppy Kindergarten) is in the class so Roxy's in heaven. We even talked to Lulu's owners about some puppy playdates, which we're all excited about.

The focus of the first class was on getting the dogs to learn / respond to 'come', 'sit' and 'down'. Roxy did great - she's mastered all these commands (though she may still need some work on them when she's distracted by things outdoors). Next week, I think we learn 'drop it', 'leave it' and 'stay'. We're especially looking forward to her consistently listening to the 'stay' command - what freedom we'll have then!

The trainer also showed us how to do 'shake', which he said isn't required and isn't part of the class but is a fun command if you're up for it. Corey did a little work with Roxy last night and she's getting pretty good at it!

Check it out.

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