Thursday, October 16, 2008

Passed Puppy Class!

Roxy had her last puppy kindergarten class tonight. She's loved the class (and so have we - it totally tires her out!). It was a great class for the pups to socialize with each other and learn how to interact / play together. Though Roxy had an accident (or two) every class (oops!), she had a blast and received a class completion certificate and giant milk bone. The finished which she finished in about 20 minutes - she cleaned every last crumb out of the carpet.

Here are a few pictures from tonight:

All the puppies wanted a treat from this doggy mama (even Nigel (the big dog), who is the trainer's dog).

Proud papa (and proud puppy checking out the bone).

I think she likes the bone.

Next week, we start Basic Training, which is a 6-week long training course where the dogs learn the basic commands (sit, stay, down, etc). Should be fun!


  1. "I think she likes the bone."

    That's what she said...

  2. Jason Reeder! I didn't realize you were a loyal Meet the Morans blog fan. Or did Lisa tell you this would be a good 'That's what she said' opportunity and force you to read it?

    Regardless...nice job. Reeder: 2 points, Moran: 10 points (I'm still beating you after the cruise and all).

  3. I've been a loyal Meet the Morans fan from the beginning!

    In order to collect my points though, I had to register. I didn't want Lisa to get credit for that doozy:) It looks like I still have a lot of ground to make up.
