Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roxy's Adventure

Roxy found her way out of her pen today and had some fun. She left lots of accidents throughout the dining room and den and chewed on both the coffee table and the molding on the corner of our bar. Good thing we're getting a new couch at some point too, because she left lots of little scratches and a puncture on it from trying to jump up on it all day. Just got done cleaning everything up and re-mopping the floor because she likes to walk through her accidents and had left lots of trails all over the floor.

Here's a shot of the molding that she tore into.

Looks like a beaver chewed on the coffee table.

She had squeezed out between the bars of our newest baby gate on Sunday but we blocked the opening she snuck out of with an old Xbox game cover. This morning before we left, she proceeded to chew through tape that was holding the game cover on so we put up another gate in front of that baby gate before we left. She must have either climbed up the extra baby gate or found a way to squeeze around it in order to escape.

We'll have to be creative and figure out another way to keep her in her den for tomorrow.

Fun times at the Morans.


  1. OMG! While I am sure Roxy had fun with her "adventure" I am sure coming home to her and her mess was not so fun.

    Hang in there. Puppyhood doesn't last forever. :)

  2. I suggest putting her in the bathtub.

  3. Hey, trixie, oops, Roxy,

    If you want to know some other fun things to do at home while your people are away, just call me!

