Sunday, September 28, 2008

Roxy Takes on Ballard

Yesterday was a BIG day at the Moran house. Roxy went in for her last puppy shot, which meant that we finally can start taking her out for walks! In addition to her shots, she was weighed again...and she's gained an unbelievable 3 pounds since the last time she was weighed 3 weeks ago! She went from 8 lbs 4 oz. to 11 lbs 7 oz. Good thing we'll be able to start exercising her now!

It was a beautiful day here yesterday so in the afternoon, we took her outside for her very first walk. She had a blast. She loved smelling anything and everything she could get her paws on, rolling in the bushes, meeting (and sniffing) other dogs (we came across about 5 yesterday alone!) and getting petted by all kinds of strangers who stopped to pet her because they were taken by her cuteness almost as much as we are. She even met two other French Bulldogs! They were both male and belonged to the same owners and they were huge - a solid 36 pounds! Roxy wasn't too scared though and the other owners LOVED seeing a puppy Frenchie again.

Finally - some grass to play in!

Apparently it feels good to roll around in the bushes.

Stopping to smell the roses (or marigolds in this case)...

Not the most ladylike shot, but is a great example of how she spent
most of her walk.

All tuckered out after lots of walking and rolling around.

Though Roxy spent a lot of time outside yesterday, we weren't able to get her to go to the bathroom, even though we probably took her outside about 10-15 times. We were getting a little disappointed by the end of the day since we want her primary bathroom to be outdoors but we didn't give up hope...and it's a good thing because on her second trip outside today, she had two good bathroom pit stops. Wahoo! Corey and I are very happy campers. It's SO nice to not constantly be cleaning up dirty newspapers.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the day and week goes as we continue to try to housebreak her.

And stay tuned - next weekend is Roxy's first trip to the beach. Hopefully we'll come back with lots of great photos (thanks to Corey) and funny stories (thanks to Roxy).

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