Friday, August 29, 2008

Roxy's here!

We went and picked Roxy up in Portland this morning. She's SO cute and was very good in the three hour car ride home. She didn't even have one accident and we stopped to get her to go to the bathroom about half-way home and she didn't even go then!

So far, we've played with her and some squeaky toys, she's discovered that she can climb under the couch and we aren't able to easily reach her there, she's able to sit when we dangle puppy chow above her (sometimes) and she has only had one accident putside of her den. She is able to go to the bathroom in about the same spot each time on a piece of newspaper we have set up in her den. We are trying to get to go in the litter box but we'll have to work on that some more tomorrow.

When we put her in her den, she whines a bit but right now she's pouting in her kennel (which sits within her den) since we didn't come get her when she was whining while we were eating.
:( Poor puppy! Now we are just hoping she'll eat some dinner - she hasn't eaten a meal since we picked her up this morning.

Tomorrow we'll be calling the vet to make an appointment for her first visit early next week and she's all signed up for puppy kindergarten which starts late next month.

Here are some photos and videos we took today.

Must have found something yummy here...

Trying out the collar and leash.

Looking for a good place to go to the bathroom.

So calm and happy during the ride home!

Pretty sure she's mocking Corey here, while he's
driving and she's getting cuddle time.

Roxy's first video! Not doing too much...just playing,
but she's still so cute!

Here she's playing with the treat we gave her for
sitting on command.


  1. Sounded like Roxy was already being exposed to Bob Costas or some other sportscaster on TV. What a lucky puppy!

  2. Oh you know it. Between sportscasters, football on TV and her Husky rain slicker and Seahawks jersey, she's totally going to be a daddy's girl.
