Saturday, August 9, 2008

New Hair, Good Times & Great Food

As many of you know, I've been growing my hair out for about 10 months so I could have good 'wedding hair' (i.e. hair long enough for some sort of updo for the wedding). Now that the wedding is over (so sad!), I decided it would be a good time to get a haircut (that coupled with the fact that the hubby prefers me with shorter hair). I love the new cut - I am so excited it's back to being short! Take a peek at the before and afters below!


After #1

After #2

While we were downtown for my haircut, Corey and I also hit up Macy's to purchase the remaining bedding items on our registry, which we're very excited about! It's so nice to have a nice, full, matching set. We are ordering a new bed as well and as soon as it's here, we'll put it together and finish it off with our new bedding set - can't wait see how it all looks!

After Macy's and my haircut, we met Lisa and Jennifer at Purple Cafe (one of my faves!) for a yummy dinner and then we all headed to the movies to see Pineapple Express (not highly recommended). Here's a photo of the girls at the show:

Jennifer, me and Lisa

And what trip to the movies would be complete without a fun, fancy pair of Prada heels? Check out Lisa's Pradas that she got FOR FREE from a co-worker who didn't order the correct size. I'm so jealous!

The fun Pradas (you can't tell from the bad photo I took, but these are peep toes).

The night ended with Lisa giving us a photo album that she and Natalie had put together with photos from our Meet & Greet and our wedding. The album is great - it was so sweet of them to put it together for us! They did a great job on it. It'll be right on our coffee table for those of you who want to check it out next time you're over. Thanks gals!

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