Friday, June 21, 2013

Let's Do This!

Every day, Jackson says something (or many somethings) that make us laugh.  I just love all this talking, and I get excited to get him up each day, because I just never know what is going to come out of that little mouth.

Every day this week, he's asked if we can go feed the ducks, and every day, we tell him that we'll go this weekend.  We've also told him his grandpa, grandma Linda, grandma Joan, great grandma, uncle Scott, and aunt Karen are all coming to visit this weekend and that maybe some of them will want to come.  His replies are typically similar, but a few days ago, he said, "I wanna feed the ducks.  With grandma, grandma Linda, great grandma.  That's a lot of people!"  The next time, he said several names, but finished with, "that's right!", like I doubted him.

Clearly he loves our weekend routine of feeding the ducks.  But this weekend, in addition to feeding the ducks, he would like to "Dance. Go to Starbucks.  Get a scone (at Starbucks).  Feed the ducks after his nap."  Sounds like our Saturday is all planned out for us.

Every time we ask about who is coming this weekend, he rattles everyone off and then says "Open the door!" meaning he wants to be the one to open the door when they arrive.  Love that he's already planning ahead.

On his way to daycare the other day, Corey drove through Klahanie, which is the same neighborhood the ducks are in, and Jackson's memory was triggered.  He started saying "Feed the ducks.  Daddy's car.  Big slide".  These are typically the things we do when we go to feed the ducks (we take daddy's car, and go down the slide before we come home).  Such a good memory.

On the way home from daycare the other day, he said to me, "I did the chicken dance, conga and hokey pokey!!!!" out of nowhere.  That one totally cracked me up.  Not only because he remembered the dances and their names, but that he randomly remembered it and felt the need to shout it out on our ride home.

When he tells us about something he wants to do, he'll often follow it up with "Let's do this!".  For instance, "I want to take a bath.  Let's DO this!"

He's taken a liking to a lullaby CD that he has and every time we get in the car, he has to get it out of the case, and I have to put in.  And every time we get where we are going, he wants the CD out so he can put it back in the case.  But after the first song, he always says "that's a good song!" and after the second song, "that's a good one!".  The songs are nice and quiet and slow, and he is very quiet while he listens - I think they definitely calm him down.  He does still occasionally say "mommy dance!" but these songs are quite a bit harder to dance to than his other CDs or "mommy's songs' (my radio station), let me tell you, so it's a quiet a sight to behold.

Oh the things this kid says, and the things we do for him.  It's a good thing he's cute!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Haircut

I am thrilled to say that J had an (almost) tear free haircut this weekend!

Late last week he actually started asking about a haircut (what the?!), so we quickly acted upon his request and made an appointment at Dooz4Kids in Bellevue Square. 

It was our first time there, so we planned ahead and arrived early in the hopes that he'd get acclimated before it was his turn.  He was able to play and read for a bit before his stylist called us over.

As soon as he heard his name, he started to say "no haircut" and started to cry for about two seconds, but we quickly averted the tears by reminding him of the cookie that was waiting for him after the haircut (not above bribes these days).  After a few deep breaths and a sad looking pout, we were back in business.  Elmo videos kept him occupied throughout the appointment and it was over before we knew it.  The only thing that reminded him that he was in the midst of a haircut was the pieces of hair that occasionally dropped on his hands and arms, to which he'd respond with an "uh oh!".

The best part was the prize he received after the appointment --- kids are able to flip a lever on a machine up front and a prize appears.  He got a new rubber duck for the bath, and the stylist was so proud of him for being so brave, she also gave him a little container of bubbles - an absolute favorite.  He didn't let these prizes out of sight that night, and we've played with them in the bath every night since.

So proud of our big boy, and here's to hoping all future haircuts turn out just as successfully.

Catching his prizes.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy Jackson could ever ask for.  It has been so amazing to watch you with him over the last two years.  You truly have so much love, patience, and compassion for this kiddo, I couldn't imagine a better daddy for our son.

I love when he runs to you, asking for "flips" and "jumps" - two of his favorite things.  I love hearing him run to greet you at the door at the end of each day, listening to him ask "where's daddy go" multiple times on our way home from school because he can't wait to see you, and of course, all the funny things he remembers that I tell him about you.  For instance, that you do a better job of holding him up to wash his hands at the kitchen sink because you're stronger, which he then uses against me later when I am home alone with him and tell him he needs to wash his hands ("No Mommy...Daddy do it.  He's stronger.") 

You give the best shoulder rides, the best baths, and always seem to know just want to say or do to keep a fast-approaching tantrum at bay.

Thank you for all that you do, and for being such a wonderful role model to our boy.

And to my dad and your dad - thanks for being such great grandpas!  Jackson asks about both of you frequently and it's clear that he loves and admires you both.

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sick Day

Jackson woke up with a bit of a fever today, so I worked from home and kept him here with me.  He didn't act sick at all, but lucky for me, he was extra cuddly.

Throughout the morning, he would tell me "my head hurts" or "my tummy hurts", but cuddles and snacks seemed to help. He asked about school a few times and at one point he even told me, "Feel better...I wanna go to school now!"  Poor kid - he really missed his friends and teachers today.  I guess there are worse things than him loving school.

Still has a fever but seems to be feeling a-okay. 

Busy boy!  He spent lots of time watching his DVDs and playing so I could get some work done.

And we got lots of good cuddles in.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Spring Pageant 2013

Now that Jackson's in the big boy Toddler 2/Yellow class, he got to participate in the Rainbow School's 26th annual Spring Pageant. 

When we first heard about it, I wondered what the heck they could get 15 2-year olds to do on stage.  Over the last few days, we've been asking Jackson what they'd be singing/dancing to and he told us several times "the Chicken dance" and the "Conga".  Come to find out, neither of these were on the program but rather these are just some of his favorite songs from class.  What was really on tonight's agenda was Twinkle Twinkle, Skidamarink and If You're Happy and You Know It, and the kiddos didn't disappoint.

J was a bit shy when we showed up at Beaver Lake Middle School for the big event, but after a few strawberries and grapes (along with bribes of a cookie after the big performance), quickly warmed up and was ready to take the stage.  He ended up doing a great job, even clapping for himself at the end of each song.  We are so proud of him getting over his initial shyness and of his performance. 

If I were to ask Jackson what the highlight of his night was, it would be the well deserved cookie - he savored every last bite.

Twinkle Twinkle
If You're Happy and You Know It...
And a few pics:
Thoroughly enjoying every last bite.

Loved having Grandma Joan with us. (And thanks to Grandma Joan for bringing along a yummy dinner!)

Goofing off with his friend Jameson (aka Jamer). They are a week a part in age, the same height/weight and are BFFs. Way too cute.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Play date!

The Shawvers came over for an impromptu brunch yesterday and we had a great time catching up. 

J and Addy were a bit shy with each other at first, but after breakfast, they had a great time playing together (or at least in the same room). 

Henry was a doll and didn't make a single peep the whole time they were here.  Such a calm, mellow babe!

And the best part is that I didn't have to lift a finger, since Corey did all the cooking, and it was delish!

Sunday brunches with friends are the perfect way to kick off a new week!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ouchie! Wowie!

Jackson has some biters in his class, so this isn't the first time we've seen an "Ouchie! Wowie!" report.  But we don't often find that something he did led to him getting bitten/hurt.  Hopefully sitting on other kids is not a new habit.  I feel bad for the kids he sat on, but also for J - he came home looking pretty banged up between some scratches, a bite, and the many bruises on his skinny little legs (which were from wearing shorts all week and falling down and running into things).
Fingers crossed for a less eventful week at daycare.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Aaaaand....We're Back!

Whew!  It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks, and I've been a horrible/non-existent blogger.  I promise I'll be back soon with more consistent posts, but in the meantime, here are a few photos of our recent whereabouts to tide you over.

Fun in the sun...
Means J getting to wear the sunglasses I picked up for him at the Variety Store in Chelan.  First time he put them on upside down and halfway down his nose and said excitedly, "I did it!".

Enjoying Popsicles at the Asher's house.  J finally got the hang of eating them - last summer he didn't understand he needed to hold the stick vs. the Popsicle itself and his hand would get too cold to enjoy it for long.

Feeding the ducks.  A favorite past time that J asks about no fewer than 3-5 times per week.

Grocery shopping with mom, and enjoying all the rewards (stickers from Trader Joes).

Kels' Bachelorette party in Chelan:

Kelsey and friends enjoying tastings at Tsillan Winery.  Such a cute place, with an equally cute gift shop.

View from our condo in Chelan.