Sunday, November 27, 2011

Apple Cup 2011

As crazy as it may seem, I've never been to Apple Cup and Corey and I have never actually been to a Husky football game together. So when our friends Alex and Jen invited us to partake in their Apple Cup tailgating and party bus they'd lined up, we snagged some cheap tickets so we could join them.

Joan and Curtis were able to watch Jackson, and with him in good hands, we were able to enjoy an afternoon and evening out on the town.  We had a great time at the game, especially since the Huskies won 38-21 (yay!) and we were even able to stay dry as the rain held off until after the game.

Hopefully we'll be able to attend some more UW games together next season!

Friday, November 25, 2011

If you're happy and you know it...

...clap your hands!!

Disregard the layout, my awful voice and J's jumping that makes it seem like I'm violently shaking him and your heart will melt as much as mine does every time I watch this.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!  We wish you a fabulous day full of delicious food, lots of fun and plenty quality time with family and friends.

In honor of Thanksgiving, it seemed appropriate to share a few of the things I'm thankful for, so here goes:
  • A happy, healthy baby boy.  Jackson is truly one of the best things that has every happened to me and I absolutely love being his mom.  I love my little munchkin to pieces.
  • A supportive, loving, generous, and caring husband.  Three years of marriage under our belt and it's been the best three years of my life.  Corey is a fabulous husband and an even more amazing daddy.
  • A wonderful family - both my own and my in-laws.  They're all so very supportive and willing to help out, and we're able to see them almost any time we want. And not everybody can say they love their in-laws, but mine are fabulous (and I'm not just saying this because they will likely read this)!
  • A great job.  I am on a team I love and have a boss I adore.  I couldn't really ask for much more.

I absolutely love kissing this adorable face a million times a day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

7 Months

Baby J is 7 months old today! 

These photos are getting harder to take every month - he is quite the squirmer lately and we had to grab him several times during this shoot so he didn't face plant off the chair or climb over the sides.

It's very true what all other parents say --- that each month gets more and more fun.  Jackson is changing daily and it's so fun to watch and to interact with him more and more. 

Here some recent highlights:
  • Reaching and army crawling towards things he wants that are just out of his reach --- we've caught him going after his toy box several times lately.  Speaking of army crawling, he can't really make it too far forward; however, he can scoot pretty far backwards.
  • Clapping!  He won't clap along with us and stops clapping when we start clapping along with him or say 'yay!' when he's clapping, but he started while playing over the past weekend and we've been catching him clapping several times a day since.  This morning, I left him on the floor of his room to play while I went to grab something and when I returned, he was clapping with his back to me so I was able to just watch him.  So adorable.
  • Taking more and more long naps (1.5-2 hours) and sometimes, if it's been a good nap day, only needs two naps --- one in the a.m. and one in the early afternoon.
  • Loves Mum Mums, Cheerios and bananas.  The kid can polish off an entire banana in one sitting, it's amazing.  He doesn't love too many other solids (fruits are better than veggies and yogurt seems to be okay), though we continue to force bites in 2-3 times a day.
  • Continues to love being out and about, especially when we go out for dinner.  He's an angel baby the evenings we eat out.
  • Reaching up/out to be picked up when you're near.
  • Enjoys playing with more interactive toys and especially loves his pop-up toy --- we open all the doors and he loves to shut them all.
  • Is quite the chatterbox - he's constantly "talking" and is using more and more vowel sounds every day.  His favorite thing to say is 'ba ba' over and over.  No clue what it means, but it's very cute.
  • Still loves flipping over to sleep on his tummy.  He also loves rolling around and shimmying to all sides of his crib.  A few weeks ago, we caved and bought a video monitor and we love being able to check on him, especially as he's moving all around before falling asleep.
  • Is now in a big boy car seat (i.e. it stays in the car and he can't be carried around in it) -- he was getting way too heavy and way too long for the portable one.
  • Most of his 9 months clothes are getting small (or are already too small) and he's in all 12 month PJs thanks to those long legs of his.
It's crazy to think that at 7 months, he's closer to his 1st birthday than he is to being born.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fall Favorites

I typically do not like fall as it means winter is right around the corner, which, around here, means months of cold, gloomy weather and going to and from work in the dark and/or rain.  All that aside, there are a few things that have made me appreciate this fall a little more than usual as we say goodbye to warm, sunny days and many hours of daylight.
  • The smell of fall/holiday scented candles. I have so many yummy candles, yet I never think to light them; however, I've been more on top of it lately and love the delicious smells that overtake our condo after lighting a candle or two.
  • With more time spent indoors and without as many plans, I've had a bit more free time to enjoy some good reads.  From novels like Water for Elephants, to trashy magazines like US Weekly, I've been addicted to reading.  And thanks to Lisa and Natalie, much of my free time in the last week has been spent flying through Hunger Games, and now Catching Fire (the sequel).
  • The beautiful colors of the leaves, both in the trees and on the ground, that I get to admire on a daily basis on walks with Jackson and/or Roxy.  Nearly every street around here is lined with trees, and this time of the year, that means colorful leaves, too.
  • Cold weather means hot baths --- one of my all time favorite fall/winter activities to warm up and relax after a long day at work.  Add a good-smelling candle, a book, and, let's be honest, a glass of wine as well, and I'm a happy camper.
  • Looking forward to the upcoming holidays.  This means time with family and friends, lots of delicious food, and extra time away from work---what's not to love about that?
I hope you are enjoying fall as much as I have!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

From Jackson

(My mommy made my daddy take this picture of me after I ate Mum Mums for the first time.  They were all over me and got stuck to my face when she changed me before my bath.  I wouldn't have been as happy here had I known I had stuff on my face, though!)


My daddy is always taking pictures of me and my mommy is always doing the blogging, so I thought I'd take over some of that responsibility for once.

I am 6-1/2 months old and am loving life!  My favorite thing is to chew (and drool) on anything that comes near my hands or mouth.  I especially like to chew on my book in the bath that my great grandma got me.  I love to watch my sister Roxy play fetch - it really makes me laugh sometimes.  I like playing in my Exersaucer, doing art at daycare and taking baths, too.  I especially love to be out and about on walks or out at social functions - there are so many fun things to see!

I've led my parents to believe that I don't really like baby food (I really make great horrified faces), but I actually don't mind the taste since it has lots more flavor than my bottles; however, I really just like to blow raspberries when I eat because it's funny to spit food on my mom and to hear her scream in surprise.  My favorite thing to eat is Mum Mums -- YUM YUM!  They fed me a few Cheerios at daycare the other day, and those are yummy and fun, too.

I am really good at sitting and I'm good at rolling from my back to my tummy, which I often do while sleeping now.  Sometimes though, I wake up in the middle of the night on my tummy and wish I was on my back, but I am just too heavy and can't seem to roll back onto my back, so I have to cry to wake mommy and daddy up so that they know to come help me out.  But, once they turn me over, I usually wish I was back on my tummy, so I flip right back over after they leave the room.

Well, I am supposed to be sleeping now.  I'll try to steal my mommy's computer again soon.

Sending you slobbery kisses and lots of raspberries,