Saturday, April 30, 2011
Looking Forward...

Friday, April 29, 2011
Jackson's First Outing
It was great to get out of the house and of course we were happy because we were able to get a little Starbucks pick-me-up, while Jackson got some more diapers. Happy campers all around I'd say. And the Starbucks crew, who know Roxy based on her endless hours looking out our living room window (which faces Starbucks) asked about her and how she's adjusting to Jackson --- we thought it was very cute that they asked about her. (For the record, she's handling things quite well --- she's just very curious about him and is very concerned when he has a crying spell. Such a good pup.)
Here are a few photos documenting our trip.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Jackson's First Few Days
We've had so much fun getting to know Jackson over the past few days. A few of my favorite things include the funny faces he makes in his sleep, how he will gaze at us endlessly during one of his rare wide awake moments, his squeaky cry when he gets really upset, the way he is easily startled by a noise or flash of light which causes all four limbs to go flying in opposite directions, the way his hands are always moving and attempting to make their way out of the swaddle, how little he looks in a swaddle, his big yawns, and the way his little tongue pops out when he's hungry, just to name a few.
Jackson's First Days - By the Numbers (per day)
-8-12 feedings
-7-9 diapers
-2-3 diaper leaks
-3-4 changes of clothes
-1 sponge bath
-1 appointment (doctor, lactation consultation, etc)
-1-2 loads of laundry
-15-18 hours of sleep for Jackson
-2-4 hours of sleep for mom and dad
-Oodles of snuggle time
-Endless photos
Here are a few of my favorite photos from the last couple days.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Jackson's Arrival - Labor & Delivery
Around 6:30 p.m., I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. After nearly three hours, the doctor had just grabbed the forceps to help deliver him when Jackson decided he didn't need those to make his way into the world (true to his form of waiting to the last minute to call his own shots).

After we both were cleaned up, Jackson was able to meet his grandmas Joan and Linda and grandpa Kent, uncle Scott and Scott's girlfriend Anya, and have the first of many (and for those of you who know Corey know that this isn't an exaggeration) photos taken by his grandpa and dad.
It was after midnight by the time we were all cleaned up and declared ready to move to the recovery room where we were able to spend our first night with Jackson. We didn't get much sleep (I think maybe 30 minutes between the two of us), but we were just so excited to finally have our son here that we didn't mind a bit.
On Sunday, Jackson had rounds of visitors including his grandparents, uncle, Anya, Kelsey, Gina, Sara, and the Reeders, along with a ton of newborn tests and screenings before we were able to check out of the hospital late that evening.
Upon check-out, Corey and I headed home for the first time with Jackson to begin our new life together as a family of three.
- The nurses and doctors at Overlake were amazing, especially our nurse Carines who was with us for about 9 hours of labor / delivery, Dr. Nudelman (the doc on call from my doctor's office) and Dr. Baker (who provided the fabulous epidural).
- More to come about the days since we've returned home.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Introducing Jackson Moran

Jackson Joseph Moran was born at 9:25 p.m. on Saturday, April 23 at Overlake Hospital. He tipped the scales at 8-lbs 4-oz, and stretched 20.5 inches long.
It's been a whirlwind of activity learning to take on our new roles at parents to a newborn, introducing Roxy to her little brother (whom she's very protective over and concerned about already) and survive on very little sleep (less than five to six total hours between the two of us over the last 48 hours), but we couldn't be more thrilled that Jackson is finally here.
We are absolutely and madly in love with our little man after only two short days and can't wait to see what the future holds for our new family of three (+ one fur-legged baby).

My first close look at our baby boy.

Photo on the left is Corey as a baby; photo on the right is Jackson - definitely some similarities in their newborn appearances!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Mini Moran Update
I had a doctor's appointment the following day and learned I was 2-3 cm dialated and the doc stripped my membranes (not as bad as it sounds) to help speed things along. She scheduled some follow-up appointments today - a non-stress test and ultrasound - to help ensure Piglet was still doing well (which is protocol when you're past due) and things came back all good.
While at our appointments today, we discussed our options with the doctor --- they'll allow us be induced as early as 41 weeks (which is on Sunday) or we can wait until 42 weeks. From what she told us, there isn't really any added benefit to waiting until 42 weeks, and there isn't much harm to induce as early as 41 weeks, though with all inductions comes a slightly higher risk of c-section, but since we had already planned on that for some time, I'm not as concerned there. That said, we are VERY eager to meet our little man and have decided to be induced on Monday, April 25. We are supposed to head to Overlake at 5 p.m. on Monday and then we'll go from there. My guess is that we'll hopefully (finally!) get to meet Piglet on Tuesday.
We'll keep everyone posted of progress and will definitely be updating the blog with details on his arrival, as soon as he graces us with his presence.
Until then, thanks for all your excitement and support --- only a few more days to go!

Monday, April 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Belly Bump Photo Session
Several weeks ago, we headed down to Morrill Meadows in Kent to meet up with them for our photo session. Though it was sunny in Seattle when we left, we arrived to heavy rain and had to get creative with staying somewhat dry throughout the shoot.
Even though it was a bit cold and very rainy, we had a great time and are pleased with how our belly bump photo shoot turned out.
Here are a few of my favorite photos from the shoot.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Girls' Night + Piglet Update
And now C and I are just waiting for our little man to arrive. No contractions yet, but definitely getting more and more tired, my ankles often look like cankles, my wedding rings don't fit, and I'm feeling VERY large. The doc confirmed at my appointment this week that Mini Moran is still head down (yeah!) but still feels pretty high. That said, no dialation to speak of...yet. Next appointment is Wednesday, so fingers crossed for some progress by then. And aside from beign exciting for my next apointment, I'm looking forward to my final day of owrk --- Friday, April 15!
Still can't believe we have only about a week left (assuming he plans to come on time) until we meet our little man!

Friday, April 1, 2011
Upcoming Fatherhood
In the Expecting Fathers class I took a couple of weeks ago, the instructor encouraged all the dads to write down what fatherhood meant to them and what kind of father they wanted to be. At first I dismissed it, but now, on second thought, maybe it’s not such a bad idea. And why not put it on the blog for easy reference (and reminder)—sort of like putting a New Year’s resolution on here.
For starters, this is to Jenny, because I think being a good father starts with being a good husband. I may not have fulfilled my promise for back scratches every night when you got pregnant, but I did pretty well. And when it comes to changing diapers, burping (him not me), late night feedings and keeping the neighborhood safe with Roxy patrol, I promise to do my part, even when I’m back at work and you’re watching Oprah eating bon bons (read: changing baby, feeding baby, burping baby, swaddling baby, rinse, repeat). But going beyond the diaper years, I want you to know that we’re in it together deciding what we think is best for Mini Moran. (Jackson—if it feels like we’re teaming up against you, it’s because we are.)
My promise to you is to give you everything you need, and some of what you want. I promise to play catch and take you to your first Mariners game. I’ll teach you how to shoot a jump shot and how to shoot a photo; how to drive a stick and how to change a tire; how to tie your shoes and how to tie your tie (just not a bow tie). And by the time you can read this, know that algebra’s up next.
Although you don’t have to play a sport or play an instrument, you do need to give them a chance.
I can’t wait to see you play with Roxy, learn how to walk, learn your ABC's, score your first goal--and to accomplish everything you want to accomplish. But in the meantime, I can’t wait to meet you.
When you’re 15, you may not think I’m the most fun dad. When you’re 25, I hope you look back and think I was a fair dad. But if you look back at any point, I hope you feel like I was a dad who was always there when you needed me.