Monday, November 29, 2010
It's a...

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Turkey Day 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Boy or Girl?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
First Snow
The snow continued throughout the day and temperatures started to drop so many people at work left early. Even though I left at 4, my commute took double the time but that is nothing compared to poor Corey's commute, which clocked in at just under 4 hours! He ended up sitting on 520 before even reaching the water for over 2 hours. It wasn't so much the snow accumulation (most parts in Seattle / Ballard only saw up to an inch), but moreso the hills, traffic, ice, lack of 4WD / AWD vehicles and lack of experience many Seattle drivers have in the snow that caused the traffic mess. Ugh!

My office for the day - dog, cozy blanket, laptop...I am ready to roll!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Baby Bump Photos Posted

Most noticeable progress over the last 4 weeks.
And for those of you interested, I'll also try to keep the belly bump status photos updated on the right side of the blog so you can track progress each week moving forward.
In other Piglet news, we've started to feel little kicks occasionally, which has been very fun.
And this weekend, I dragged Corey around the U Village looking for new work pants since he told me I couldn't wear one of my few remaining pairs last week. (I haven't been able to button most pairs of pants, and when you don't button your pants, the zipper doesn't like to stay up, so my stomach was showing through the zipper area. To my credit, I was wearing a long tank top so you couldn't really tell.) We had success shopping and I did some major damage at the Gap (but with 40% off everything, how could I not??), but now I have a few pairs of maternity pants and cute tops to wear.
We only have 7 days left until we get to see Piglet again and we find out if it's a boy or girl...and we can't wait!
More later. Have a great short work week and a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
New Recipe - #23

Friday, November 5, 2010
Baby Bump
I'll let you be the judge, though.

Corey's been taking weekly "bump" photos and we'll get those posted soon to track weekly progress.