I got home from work last Thursday to find both of Roxy's ears standing straight up (for those of you who haven't met her, her ears will ultimately both stand up straight but they don't stand up straight right away - it happens sometime during their puppy-hood). The right one quickly fell down but tonight, they've both been up for quite some time!
We've decided she has ears like a bat, a snapping jaw like a turtle (when she gets excited, she runs around chomping her teeth), and a butt and belly like a pig. What a mixture!
Good view of the bat ears.
Another view of the ears and showing off the fact that she apparently thinks the bottom self of the end table is her new bed.For more Roxy photos, click
Well, Corey and I had a fun, relaxing weekend. We started it off by having dinner at the Allen's house. Heidi made us a fabulous dinner and we were able to eat out on their apartment's roof-top deck. They have an amazing view and their 5-month old daughter Luci was on her best behavior. They also have a super cute black lab named Annie. Annie is a great, well-behaved dog - looking forward to when Roxy becomes more mature like Annie.
Saturday shaped up to be a beautiful day in Seattle so Corey and I went to the Matador for Happy Hour with Nick, Gina and Sara. Then, back at our place, they all took turns playing with Roxy and helped get her all worn out and ready for bed.
The girls and I after Happy Hour.Sunday was the first official day of football so Roxy and Corey spent many hours on the couch together watching TV. Unfortunately Roxy's Seahawks jersey that I got Corey for his birthday is still a little too big so she couldn't wear it quite yet. Brooke joined us later in the day to meet Roxy, eat dinner and watch the VMA's.
All-in-all, a great weekend. Up this week - teaching Roxy to like her collar and leash and to stay next to us when it's on her and consistently going to the bathroom on her newspaper. Wish us luck!