Friday, May 2, 2014

Sesame Street Live

This year, we got Jackson just a few larger gifts for his birthday.  One of them is a LeapFrog tablet, which he loves. The other was tickets to Sesame Street Live, which was showing this weekend at Comcast Arena.

He's seen some Sesame Street Live stuff on YouTube, and he's been so excited to go (I even heard him telling one of the teachers at school the other day as I dropped him off that he wouldn't be at school on Friday, because he'd be at Sesame Street Live).  Today was the big day.  Gramma Joan watched Cole, and Corey took the day off, so that we could make this a date for just the three of us. All morning, he asked how long it was until we'd be able to leave, and the entire drive up there, he asked how many minutes left until we arrived.

Upon entering, the souvenir lines weren't long so we checked those out first, and of course didn't come away empty handed.  Jackson picked out a CD that included all the songs from today's show, which he was thrilled about.

The show was 90 minutes long (including a 15 minute intermission) and I wasn't sure he'd last since he'd never been to a show or movie before.  He was entranced for the first 30 minutes and then started asking when we were "going to go to the restaurant" (we planned to grab lunch afterwards), so at intermission, we picked up some snacks.  For the final 45 minutes, he did fairly well but started to lose interest unless there was singing and dancing on stage, or the characters were walking around in the audience (we had great seats, putting us right in the middle of all the action, and even earning him high fives from both Cookie Monster and another character (not sure who it was)).

Regardless he must have enjoyed the show --- as he's already asked if we are going again.


jshawver said...

Fun!! Looks like he had a great time. We're going this weekend.

Jenny said...

Hope you guys have a blast!

Natalie Naomi said...

Don't know if I've seen him smile so big and so much! Looks like a good time.