Thursday, January 16, 2014

Showering #2

We have such wonderful friends, family and co-workers who have all spoiled us like crazy as we prepare for #2's arrival. 

Kelsey threw me a fabulous intimate shower back in November to celebrate the arrival of #2, and it was perfect - a few close friends and family members, fabulous food, and way too many presents. 

A few weeks later, several of my co-worker friends took me out to lunch and spoiled #2 again.  Right after that, others at my work threw me a surprise shower, and then this past week, Corey's office threw him a surprise shower! 

We are so ready for this baby now after all these celebrations, I can't stand it!

Jackson and I were thrilled to be included in Corey's surprise "Little Man Moran" mustache shower.  Yesterday, J and I arrived at Corey's work while he was out at a meeting, so that when he returned, we'd be there, along with everyone else, to surprise him.  It was perfect - they brought Specialties in to snack on, everyone participated in a "guess the mustache" game and submitted their vote for date, time and weight of the baby when he arrives, followed by even more presents.  They were so thoughtful and even included Jackson in the presents - with his recent love (obsession) with Dora, they stocked him up with a Dora DVD and bath toys.  Baby bro was way too spoiled with an extremely generous Amazon gift card and two of the most adorable onesies ever, including one with a snap on bow tie and one with a tie.

Thanks to everyone for sharing in our excitement over #2's arrival and for hosting such wonderful celebrations in his honor!

Seriously --- this hair!  He had a haircut three weeks ago, yet it looks like he hasn't had one in months.

And I'll end with a few photos from the shower Kels threw me (as I just realized I never posted them!).