Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lots of Laughs!

On Tuesday night, Jackson was a bit fussy during family cuddle time on the couch, before it was time to get ready for bed, so we decided to have a dance party to help perk him up. We turned on some of my favorite tunes, I grabbed J and we all started singing and dancing around the living room.

I'm not sure which one did the trick, but Corey whipped out some moves that obviously impressed J since he surprised us with a few belly laughs! We've heard some slight giggles when he smiles and while he's sleeping, but these were actually belly laughs and were absolutely adorable. I immediately asked Corey if he'd just heard them too, which he had, and then asked him to do whatever moves he had just done again in order to get some more laughter out of J. Of course, he didn't actually know what moves he'd done, but you can bet we'll be dancing a lot more in order to try to get some more laughs out of our man!

1 comment:

jshawver said...

Yeah for laughter!! We're still trying to get Addy to laugh again, can you teach us your moves?