Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mini Moran Update

Piglet's due date, April 18, came and went with no action.

I had a doctor's appointment the following day and learned I was 2-3 cm dialated and the doc stripped my membranes (not as bad as it sounds) to help speed things along. She scheduled some follow-up appointments today - a non-stress test and ultrasound - to help ensure Piglet was still doing well (which is protocol when you're past due) and things came back all good.

While at our appointments today, we discussed our options with the doctor --- they'll allow us be induced as early as 41 weeks (which is on Sunday) or we can wait until 42 weeks. From what she told us, there isn't really any added benefit to waiting until 42 weeks, and there isn't much harm to induce as early as 41 weeks, though with all inductions comes a slightly higher risk of c-section, but since we had already planned on that for some time, I'm not as concerned there. That said, we are VERY eager to meet our little man and have decided to be induced on Monday, April 25. We are supposed to head to Overlake at 5 p.m. on Monday and then we'll go from there. My guess is that we'll hopefully (finally!) get to meet Piglet on Tuesday.

We'll keep everyone posted of progress and will definitely be updating the blog with details on his arrival, as soon as he graces us with his presence.

Until then, thanks for all your excitement and support --- only a few more days to go!

1 comment:

jshawver said...

Very exciting!! Enjoy your last kid-free weekend :-)