Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jackson's First Few Days

Since we've arrived home, we've started getting into the swing of things as a family. We haven't yet ventured out on any family outings, other than for various appointments, but look forward to attempting that in the next week or so.

We've had so much fun getting to know Jackson over the past few days. A few of my favorite things include the funny faces he makes in his sleep, how he will gaze at us endlessly during one of his rare wide awake moments, his squeaky cry when he gets really upset, the way he is easily startled by a noise or flash of light which causes all four limbs to go flying in opposite directions, the way his hands are always moving and attempting to make their way out of the swaddle, how little he looks in a swaddle, his big yawns, and the way his little tongue pops out when he's hungry, just to name a few.

Jackson's First Days - By the Numbers (per day)

-8-12 feedings

-7-9 diapers

-2-3 diaper leaks

-3-4 changes of clothes

-1 sponge bath

-1 appointment (doctor, lactation consultation, etc)

-1-2 loads of laundry

-15-18 hours of sleep for Jackson

-2-4 hours of sleep for mom and dad

-Oodles of snuggle time

-Endless photos

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the last couple days.

1 comment:

jshawver said...

What a beautiful baby boy!! So happy for you guys!