Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mini Moran on the Way!

Corey and I have some exciting news, which we're finally able to share --- on (or around) April 18, we are going to be parents!! We are absolutely ecstatic and are so excited to finally be able to officially spill the beans, now that we're in our 14th week and out of the first trimester.

We found out that we were expecting back on August 13, so it's been a long two months keeping such a great secret. Our first doctor's appointment wasn't until September 14, though, so we wanted to ensure everything checked out okay. At that appointment, we were able to see 'piglet' (as we call the baby), which was so cool. We had no idea that at only 10 weeks, we'd be able to see its little arms and legs moving around...and it even looked like he / she was waving to us. Definitely something we'll remember forever.

Once everything checked out at our first appointment, we wanted get through the first trimester, just to ensure everything looked good, which it does. We had our second doctor's appointment today, where we were able to hear the heart beat (160 bpm, which is in the middle of the 'safe' range, which is 120-180). It was so fun to hear the heart beat --- it was so fast, like this baby was running a marathon in there.

Luckily, throughout the first trimester, I wasn't too sick. I mostly felt nauseous if I got too hungry, which just meant lots of snacking throughout the day, and crackers in bed some mornings before getting up. There were a few rounds of dry heaves but no actual throwing up, so I'm told I'm pretty lucky. Aside from that, I've just been pretty tired and need even more sleep than normal. As for the baby bump, it's just started to make its appearance in the last week or so. I can't button most of my pants anymore, so the BellaBand has come in quite handy.

Our next ultrasound is scheduled for November 29, where we'll find out whether piglet will be into boots and handbags like mommy, or watching football with daddy. Until then, we're reading up on what to expect over the next six months and then what to look forward to once piglet makes his / her grand arrival in April.


Lisa said...


We can't wait to meet Edward Cullen Moran (if it's a boy) and Lisa Marie Moran (if it's a girl).

Natalie Naomi said...

Congrats again on the news! I'm sure November 29th can't come soon enough for you.

P.S. I've heard the rubber band trick does wonders for expanding baby belly wasit lines.

Kelsey said...

Congrats Jenny and Corey!

I beg to differ on the names....I was pretty sure it was going to be Kelsey if it's a boy or girl.

Jenny said...

Thanks gals!

We are not above taking name bribes --- highest bidder wins (gotta save up for daycare!).

And Natalie - thanks for the tip. Had heard of that but never tried it but I did today and so far, so good! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats again Jenny. So exciting! 20 weeks is right around the corner. We can't wait to find out if Mini Moran will love shoes and hand bags like mommy or football like daddy. WAHOO!

Unknown said...

How exciting! Congratulations to the two of you. You will have an adorable little 'piglet'! Can't wait to read more! :)

Erin said...

that's wonderful! seeing the babe for the first time in there is breathtaking! you're right, they look like little piglets!

Unknown said...

PEANUT! I know I'm late on this - but better late than never! I'm SOOOOOO excited!