Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lucky Lady

I'm a lucky lady. Why you ask? I was able to enjoy a busy, but super fun, week full of girls' nights!

It started with another Bachelorette date with Kels and Gina on Monday. I love these date nights not only because I get to see my girls, but it means a relaxing evening with lots of laughs. The perfect way to start the week if you ask me.

On Wednesday, I was able to see the latest movie in the Twilight series - Eclipse - with Gina, Sara, Tara and some of Sara's co-workers and friends. We'd all really been looking forward to it and it didn't disappoint. Better yet, even though we saw it on opening night, we didn't have to deal with the crazy crowds we'd all been expecting. And the icing on the cake was snagging Twilight crowns for a pre-movie photo op. Don't be jealous.

I wrapped up my week with drinks and dinner with my old Wunderman co-workers Alison, Brooke and Jennifer. It'd been ages since we'd all gotten together so in honor of Brooke's recent birthday, we decided it was time to celebrate. The evening started with drinks and appey's on the Ballroom's new patio and ended with pizza, salad and wine at Via Tribunali. Yum!

A week of fun nights out of the town wouldn't be the same if I had to rush home to walk Roxy first, and that is where I am even more lucky. Corey agreed to take on doggie duty every night this week for me (thanks hubby!). See? Told you I was a lucky lady.

We're off to Spokane today to visit Corey's dad and grandma over the holiday weekend. Pictures and a trip recap to come when we return.

Until then...happy Fourth of July!

1 comment:

Natalie Naomi said...

Wow, those crowns look pretty amazing. I wish I had one too...
