Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lovin' Lemons

There's something about lemons and lemon flavored things that scream summer - lemon bars, lemonade, and Fuzzy Zellars (sweet tea vodka and lemonade cocktails from King's Hardware) are a few of the things that come to my mind when I think of summer.

So even though the weather doesn't scream summer, it still seemed appropriate, given that June is just around the corner, to whip up Giada's Lemoncello Cheesecake Squares to take to Corey's mom's house for dessert tonight.

These, combined with cocktails Joan is making in honor of the release of the latest Sex and the City movie, will make for a perfect ending to this (so called) summer evening.

My take on Giada's recipe - I just topped each bar with a few blueberries to add some color.

1 comment:

Michael said...

These look delicious. Good job.