Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

What a great Christmas celebration Corey, Roxy and I had today! It started out with Corey and I opening the presents we'd gotten for each other. We were both very happy with all of our gifts and Roxy was in love with the bows from our gifts. She spent almost an hour playing with three bows. Had I known it only took a bow to keep her happy and occupied, we probably wouldn't have a whole bin full of toys for her!

After opening gifts, we took Roxy on a walk in the snow. She just got her stitches out yesterday so she's finally able to start playing in the snow (the stitches weren't supposed to get wet, so you can imagine how sad she was this whole last week when every time we took her outside for a bathroom break, she wasn't able to play in the snow). You'd think for such a little pup, she'd get cold in the snow but she's a trooper. She loves it.

This afternoon, we headed over to Corey's mom's house for gifts and dinner. Corey's brother was in town and Consuelo joined the Moran crew for the celebration as well! Everyone was totally spoiled and received some great gifts. Even the pups (Roxy and Consuelo's dog Brio) got presents! Joan got each dog a new squeaky toy and both dogs love their new toy!

We also played Crackers, a game where each person has a whistle that plays a certain note. There are multiple Christmas songs (i.e Jingle Bells) that can be played using the whistles each of us were given. I was deemed the conductor and was in charge of telling each person when it was their turn to blow their whistle in order to play the appropriate song. Overall we sounded awful but it was very fun - we all were laughing too hard to blow the whistle when our turn came up.

Afterwards, Joan cooked us all a yummy Greek dinner and we finished it off with a triple chocolate cheesecake that I made thanks to a great cookbook Consuelo gave Corey and I last year.

Here are a few photos from our big day; the full set is located here.

Roxy loved playing with the bows and wrapping paper this morning.

The crew with their whistles.

Corey and the conductor.

The triple chocolate cheesecake.

Roxy and her new toy.

All in all, it was a great day and we look forward to our trip to Yakima tomorrow to continue our Christmas celebration with my family.

1 comment:

Natalie Naomi said...

Looks like you all had a great Christmas. I'll be sure to get Roxy a box of bows next year for the holidays. Hope you are having a fun time at home with the family!