Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Roxy's Rough Day

Roxy's day started out just dandy, with her morning army crawl down the hall on our way outside. Here's a video so you can see the army crawl in action:

However, things went downhill from there. Corey worked from home today (he's got a really bad cold) and IM'd me halfway through the day to tell me that Roxy had projectile diarrhea (whew, for once I'm glad I'm not working from home).

She seemed to be fine after that incident and she rested all afternoon, so I took her to her final Basic Obedience class tonight as planned. While she does great playing with the other dogs there, she isn't so great when up in the front of the class trying to do the tricks (sit & stay, leave it, come and heel) she's learned because she is so easily distracted by all the other people and dogs in the room. And I know you can all vouch for me because you've seen the sit & stay video - she's good at it! She actually did the worst at that tonight - it took her about five tries to sit for longer than three seconds, even though at home, she can sit & stay for 15-20 seconds. Regardless, she got her jumbo graduation milkbone and back home we came.

Once I got her upstairs though, I realized she'd barfed all over in her crate and she was literally sitting in the middle of it (oh the joys of puppy parenthood). That lead to an impromptu bath (which you all know Roxy is not fond of).

Her day did take a turn for the better, though - once out of the bath, she finally got to enjoy her jumbo milkbone and now she's cuddled up in her doggy bed relaxing after her rough day. Poor Roxy - hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day (for all of us!).

Sittin' pretty after the bath.

Devouring the milkbone.

Relaxing after her rough day.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I think Roxy knew you were filming her, which is why she decided to add a little rolling around to the army crawl routine. That dog has star potential written all over her. And I should know, being that I'm the #1 hollywood dog manager.